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How do I cancel my booking?

Did you log in to your guest account while making the booking? If so, you can cancel your booking by logging into your guest account on our website. Were you not logged in during the booking process or did you not create a guest account? Then you can send us an email about canceling the booking. You can send an email to info@nature.house. It is useful to check the cancellation terms and conditions. Have you emailed us but haven't received a response yet? Don't worry, we will take the cancellation date as the moment you send us your email. 

To cancel in your guest account, do as follows. 

If you go to bookings in your profile, you will see all your bookings. 

At each booking you have 4 options to choose from, to cancel the booking now click on ''cancel booking''.

If you have clicked on Cancel booking, you will see this screen in front of you. In this screen you can see exactly what you will get back if you cancel the booking. It is useful to check the cancellation conditions. 

The next step is to cancel the booking. You can do this by clicking on the pink button "cancel my booking". Note: do not click away from this screen too quickly, it may take a while. The screen will disappear automatically when the booking is cancelled. You will then see a pink bar in the picture of the booking. Like below.