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How is the order of results determined?

Through the search results we try to make the best match between a guest and a nature house. To determine this match we look at several factors with which we determine the order of the search results. We aim to display the most relevant nature houses based on the guest's search query. We constantly optimize our platform to efficiently sort the offering of nature houses, ensuring that guests can easily find what they are looking for. This means that we continuously adjust our recommendation algorithm based on feedback, analysis, and experiences. Currently, the main factors based on which we filter results include:

By combining the above elements in an algorithm we try to make the best match between guest and landlord. Landlords can influence their search results by means of the following points:

Location you search for as a guest: guests can search for a place under 'destination'. Houses within an x number of kilometres radius are shown on the website. It may be that a house that is a bit further away from the place is ranked higher. This then has to do with the other factors. 

Guest experiences: ads with good experiences can appear higher in the search results. This takes into account the number of bookings, the average overall rating and the average nature rating. 

The number of previous bookings of the nature house: we look at the number of bookings made in the past 2 years for a nature house. The more bookings the landlord receives, the more likely the house will rank higher in the search results.

The number of cancellations of the nature house: landlords who (almost) never reject bookings, can come up higher in search results. This can prevent disappointed guests. It is therefore important for landlords to always have their availability and prices up to date. 

Sustainability rankings: landlords can specify how sustainable their nature house is. Think solar panels, waste separation, food from their own garden, etc.

Last-minute offers: sometimes a landlord wants to promote his nature house through an offer (promotion). When a promotion is set, it is visible on the website and can be recognised by 'last-minute' in the advertisement. 

Guests can influence the results in their own way by means of the following points:

Search: when you as a guest search for a certain place, we find it important to determine the order by the distance to that place. In this way you as a guest get a nature house that best suits your wishes.

Filtering: by means of filtering you can specify your wishes. Only nature houses that fit the chosen filtering will be shown.